The connection to the sea is already clear in the name: “Aquamarine” literally means “water of the sea” and is made up of the Latin words “aqua” (water) and “marinus” (belonging to the sea).
People have always worshiped aquamarine as a protective and healing stone. It is therefore not surprising that it is still one of the most important healing stones today. Thanks to its beautiful color, it is also a popular gemstone. Then as now it is of great importance:
- Stone of Joy: The Arabs trusted it to bring harmonious balance.
- For the Greeks it was considered a symbol of purity, happiness and love.
- Balm for emotional wounds. By strengthening the self-healing powers and relieving the pressure to perform, the stone enables serenity.
- As a mediator, he helps to develop personal talents.
- Then as now, aquamarine has an important meaning for people. Its far-reaching radius of action in particular makes it a sought-after gemstone.