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Für einen besonderen Look kannst du den kleinen Earcuff Lotte hier im Set bestellen. Das Schmuckstück verzaubert im Doppelpack– kreiere aufregende Sets, indem du goldfarbene und silberfarbene Designs layerst. Hast du Ohrlöcher? Entdecke die fair hergestellten Ohrstecker aus der Calathea-Kollektion und runde den Look perfekt ab. 

Lotte Earcuff Set

PriceFrom €90.00
  • This finely twisted ear cuff was named after Lotte the sheep. Luise & Lotte - are one heart and one soul, linked by an invisible bond, stick together like thieves, are as alike as one tofu is to another, almost anyway.
    They are the double Lottchen, twins. And although they are fundamentally different, they are never far from each other: Luise, the braver and more extroverted of the two, and Lotte, the more cautious and thoughtful. They share their love with everyone who wants to cuddle, and preferably all the time!

    By purchasing an ear cuff from the Ahimsa collection you support Lasst die Tiere leben eV to give animals like Luise & Lotte a life in peace.

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