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This wide ear cuff is characterized by a surface flooded with waves. 


New with us: matt rose gold!

Our much sought-after rose gold is finally also available in a matt version. We only allow the Dalai model on your order  frosted  gild. Because of this, the delivery time can be up to  2 weeks  be. It's worth the wait! Matted rose gold has a subtle effect and is gentle on your skin.  here  you will find an overview of our materials.



PriceFrom €49.00
  • This is the Dalai. This little one  Ear Cuff was named after the rescued mongrel  Named Dalai.

    On the first day at the Lebenshof  he was nervous, scared, shy and didn't want anything from  People know.  With patience, love and care and of course socializing with his new friends Tenzin and Gyatso, this nervous, restless bundle became one  happier, braver  and more relaxed  Earthling.  Thanks to the rescue from  Let the animals live eV   the Dalai can relax now, does not run away and can  enjoy a life of peace. 

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